Indicators for National Plans

The development and use of indicators is an integral part of planning and designing health and social services for Rare Diseases

Debrief Sessions: Spain

Madrid, 20-21 November 2014

The “Debrief Session” is a specific activity post-National Conference in order to identify and collect needs, challenges and the most pressing issues emerged during the EUROPLAN National Conference and to suggest dedicated solutions to national authorities


Any help?

A instrument for who need support in the process of national planning

The EUROPLAN team will be glad to provide you with references and resources that may be useful in this activity.



    • India: approved the National Policy for Treatment of Rare Diseases.

      01/06/2017 - India

      The government of India has finalised and approved the National Policy for Treatment of Rare Diseases. With an affidavit filed in the Delhi high court on Thursday (May 25), the Union health ministry also submitted a copy of this national policy.

    • Report on eHealth in the WHO European Region


      See the report on the WHO website

    • 11 November 2016: inauguration of the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases

      09/11/2016 - USA

      The inauguration will be at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
      Watch live stream: Global Gathering for Rare Diseases