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Debrief sessions


The “Debrief Session” is a specific activity post-National Conference (NC), with the following objectives:
  • To identify and collect needs, challenges and the most pressing issues emerged during the EUROPLAN National Conference (NC) in relation to the development of Rare Diseases National Plans and Strategies (NP/NS);
  • To suggest dedicated solutions to national authorities.

The long-term objective is creating a “hub” within the EUROPLAN Coordinating Team for support and information for national authorities on NP/NS, based on the expertise built from the direct contacts with national authorities.

The “Debrief Sessions” will be held at the end of the EUROPLAN NCs, for approximately 1 hour or 1 ˝ hour, in each EU Member State where a EURORDIS will organize a NC, starting from February 2013.

A specific solution will be adopted to take information also from other NCs:
  • in Sweden and Greece: it is too late to arrange EUROPLAN Workshop post-NCs for time and organizing reasons (see the list).
  • in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Serbia (Non-EU Countries): there is not budget allocated for these NCs and the EUROPLAN Coordinating Team will not participate to them (see the list).
  • Upon request from Serbia, the European Commission, authorised the three teams (ISS, EURORDIS and UNEW) to organise a DS also in that Country (nonEU MS), in occasion of their NC (December 2013).

A common form will be used to identify the MAIN NEEDS/GAPS for which the Country (MoH Representative) requires the EUROPLAN “A” technical support (starting from strengths and weaknesses looked during the NC).

See the steps to steps to organize a “Debrief Session”.


The “Debrief Sessions” should be involve no more 6-7 persons:
  • 1/2 EUROPLAN Coordinating Team member/s (who participate/s to the NC);
  • 1 EURORDIS Advisor;
  • 1 EUCERD JA Coordination representative;
  • 1/2 Ministry of Health (MoH) representative/s (and key persons involved in elaboration/implementation of NP, including contact person of EUROPLAN “A”, identified in collaboration with EURORDIS and National Alliances)


The EUROPLAN Coordinating Team, according to identified needs and the existing resources - in collaboration with EURORDIS and the National Alliances and EJA Coordination -, will arrange for each Country a dedicated proposal in order to provide connections to experts in other Countries (with same solved problems) and existing “guidance” documents (e.g. EUCERD Reports, Recommendations, etc.) regarding identified needs. Specific instruments and methods (e.g. conference calls, Skype-calls, workshops) will be selected considering the individual cases.

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